Heart of Recovery

with Eric Rainbeau

December 18th (2024)

Date details +
    Room: Main Shrine Room

    Sessions now held in person and by Zoom

    In person 5901 Haines Rd N., St. Petersburg in the Meditation room.

    To join by Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 899 530 6451

    Password: 943366

    This meditation and discussion group brings together Shambhala Buddhist meditation practice with the Twelve Steps recovery programs.  Meetings are anonymous and confidential and explore the relationship of addictions and recovery to our personal paths as warriors, bodhisattvas, and meditation practitioners.

    Meeting format includes:
    • sitting practice
    • a topic offering in the form of brief comments or a reading by the night’s facilitator,
    • discussion and exploration by group members
    • sharing our personal experience, strength and hope
    • dedication of merit

    Open to all who are
    • Buddhist practitioners (from any tradition), or
    • 12 Step practitioners (from any program), or
    • Individuals interested in exploring the relationship of meditation to recovery from addiction and addictive behaviors

    There is no charge for these meetings, however donations are humbly accepted.